
I’ve heard the story of Job three times in the last ten days.  The third time was when I was re-reading the book “anything” by Jennie Allen.  I mention it first because it was the catalyst for what follows.  (I recently blogged about it here (

The first time was in a Rob Bell video my Sunday school class watched recently.  In this video, Bell tells the story of Job – whom God allows to be persecuted because of his faith – and how he questions God.  God’s response includes: 

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth!  Tell Me, if you have understanding, Who set its measurements, since you know?  Or who enclosed the sea with doors?  Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, and caused the dawn to know its place?  Can you lead forth a constellation in its season?  Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?”

Who wouldn’t be humbled by a rebuke like that?

The second occurrence of hearing this story was last Friday night.  I was broken, finally willing to pray the prayer of “anything”.  I told God every fear I had, and it was quite a list.  (In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit I’ve taken it back a time or two since.  Seems this prayer is meant to be prayed daily, and I’m not quite that strong yet.)

But Friday night, in the midst of my sobs and prayers, I looked up and noticed a book on my shelf.  I haven’t read “A Step Further” by Joni Eareckson since high school.  And I knew I had to open it.  Mind you, God doesn’t talk to me.  Or I don’t listen.  But I know as sure as I’m sitting here that this was God’s leading.

I looked through the table of contents and picked the chapter that stood out to me.  And there it was, the story of Job.  I was raised Southern Baptist, so I know a Bible story or two.  But I don’t believe two weeks ago that I could have told you the crucial part of this story.  The part that Jennie Allen and Rob Bell and Joni Eareckson emphasized.  God’s reminder to Job of His majesty and power.  And whatever is in God’s plan, who am I to question Him?

Do you have any idea how much it scares me that I keep tripping over the story of Job?  I want nice and comfortable.  I want security.  And I want to control my own life.  But tonight it hit me.  God owes me nothing.  Rather, it is the other way around.  I owe God everything.  All I have – my very life – belongs to God anyway, whether or not I acknowledge this.

God is God.  God fashioned the world, told the oceans where they must stop, ordered the stars, created every living being that has ever walked or ever will walk on this earth.

And in spite of my fears, in spite of my desires, in spite of my failures, in spite of me…the God who breathed life into all the creatures on this planet chooses to love me.  And that alone should be enough to send me to my knees – willingly – for whatever God asks of me.

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2 Responses to Job

  1. Debra says:

    I read this via a friend’s facebook share, and I needed to be reminded that who am I to question God and his plan. Thank you for sharing how God is working in your life and passing that growth & wisdom along to others, like myself.

    • Suzanne S. Johnson says:

      Thanks for the comment, Debra. Sometimes I think God has to hit me over the head before I start to get it…Blessings.

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